Bence Földi

Budapest based Hungarian political scientist who works as a journalist since 2012.

Ben studied Political Science in the Corvinus University of Budapest and Péter Pázmány Catholic University.

He is interested in foreign affairs, political culture, identity, luxury tobacco products and football, especially the English Premier League.

Photo: Réka Szabó

“You can’t always do what you have to do, but you should always do what you can.”

Gabriel Bethlen, Prince of Transylvania

Work Experience

Tobacco Magazine (2021–)

Editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine of Hungarian tobacco retailers. Also organizer of the yearly conference for tobacco retailers called Tobacco Hungary.

Kolibri Publishing House (2018–)

Translator of English Star Wars books to Hungarian for Kolibri Gyerekkönyvkiadó.

Check out Bence Földi’s translations here. (2018–2022)

Editor-in-chief of the Star Wars fansite founded by him. He was also host of its podcast called Huttcast and other programmes.

Jewish Theological Seminary – University of Jewish Studies, Budapest (2018–2020)

Secretary of the Rector for public and press relations. Visiting lecturer for a semester, teaching Introduction to Political Science.

Freelance journalist (2018–2021)

Articles in Hungarian in English for various outlets (for example: Élet és Irodalom, HVG, Kreatív, Fantha Tracks, Balkan Insight).

Magyar Nemzet (2015–2018)

Online news editor, then foreign affairs journalist, covering mainly the Balkans, United Kingdom, United States and Australia. (2013–2015)

Online news editor, then sports journalist, who covered the 2014 World Cup among other events.

Mandiner (2012–2013)

Online news editor, journalist

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